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२४ समन्तमुखपरिवर्तः।

(समन्तमुखपरिवर्तो नामावलोकितेश्वरविकुर्वणनिर्देशः)


(Samantamukhaparivarto Nāmāvalokiteśvaravikurvaṇanirdeśaḥ)

黄宝生《梵汉对勘-妙法莲华经》梵本 [2018]

(黄梵本:根据P. L. Vaidya编订本和蒋忠新《民族文化宫图书馆藏梵文<妙法莲华经>写本(拉丁转写)》编订)




第二十四 普门品


黄宝生 今译






鸠摩罗什 古汉译







Translated By H. Kern [1884]



अथ खलु अक्षयमतिर्बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्व उत्थायासनादेकांसमुत्तरासङ्गं कृत्वा दक्षिणं जानुमण्डलं पृथिव्यां प्रतिष्ठाप्य येन भगवांस्तेनाञ्जलिं प्रणाम्य भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-- केन कारणेन भगवनवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो ऽवलोकितेश्वर इत्युच्यते?

Atha khalu akṣayamatirbodhisattvo mahāsattva utthāyāsanādekāṃsamuttarāsaṅgaṃ kṛtvā dakṣiṇaṃ jānumaṇḍalaṃ pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya yena bhagavāṃstenāñjaliṃ praṇāmya bhagavantametadavocat-- kena kāraṇena bhagavanavalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo 'valokiteśvara ityucyate?


▍黄宝生 译 


▍鸠摩罗什 译 


▍H.Kern 译 

Thereafter the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati rose from his seat, put his upper robe upon one shoulder, stretched his joined hands towards the Lord, and said: For what reason, O Lord, is the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara called Avalokitesvara?


एवमुक्ते भगवानक्षयमतिं बोधिसत्त्वं महासत्त्वमेतदवोचत्-- इह कुलपुत्र यावन्ति सत्त्वकोटीनयुतशतसहस्राणि यानि दुःखानि प्रत्यनुभवन्ति, तानि सचेदवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नामधेयं शृणुयुः, ते सर्वे तस्माद्दुःखस्कन्धाद् परिमुच्येरन्। ये च कुलपुत्र सत्त्वा अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नामधेयं धारयिष्यन्ति, सचेत्ते महत्यग्निस्कन्धे प्रपतेयुः, सर्वे ते अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य तेजसा तस्मान्महतोऽग्निस्कन्धात्परिमुच्येरन्। सचेत्पुनः कुलपुत्र सत्त्वा नदीभिरुह्यमाना अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्याक्रन्दं कुर्युः, सर्वास्ता नद्यस्तेषां सत्त्वानां गाधं दद्युः। सचेत्पुनः कुलपुत्र सागरमध्ये वहनाभिरूढानां सत्त्वकोटीनयुतशतसहस्राणां हिरण्यसुवर्णमणिमुक्तावज्रवैडूर्यशङ्खशिलाप्रवालाश्मगर्भमुसारगल्वलोहितमुक्तादीनां कृतनिधीनां स पोतस्तेषां कालिकावातेन राक्षसीद्वीपे क्षिप्तः स्यात्, तस्मिंश्च कश्चिदेवैकः सत्त्वः स्यात्योऽवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्याक्रन्दं कुर्यात्, सर्वे ते परिमुच्येरंस्तस्माद्राक्षसीद्वीपात्। अनेन खलु पुनः कुलपुत्र कारणेन अवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो ऽवलोकितेश्वर इति संज्ञायते॥ 

evamukte bhagavānakṣayamatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvametadavocat-- iha kulaputra yāvanti sattvakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇi yāni duḥkhāni pratyanubhavanti, tāni sacedavalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya nāmadheyaṃ śṛṇuyuḥ, te sarve tasmādduḥkhaskandhād parimucyeran| ye ca kulaputra sattvā avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya nāmadheyaṃ dhārayiṣyanti, sacette mahatyagniskandhe prapateyuḥ, sarve te avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya tejasā tasmānmahato'gniskandhātparimucyeran| sacetpunaḥ kulaputra sattvā nadībhiruhyamānā avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyākrandaṃ kuryuḥ, sarvāstā nadyasteṣāṃ sattvānāṃ gādhaṃ dadyuḥ| sacetpunaḥ kulaputra sāgaramadhye vahanābhirūḍhānāṃ sattvakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇāṃ hiraṇyasuvarṇamaṇimuktāvajravaiḍūryaśaṅkhaśilāpravālāśmagarbhamusāragalvalohitamuktādīnāṃ kṛtanidhīnāṃ sa potasteṣāṃ kālikāvātena rākṣasīdvīpe kṣiptaḥ syāt tasmiṃśca kaścidevaikaḥ sattvaḥ syātyo'valokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyākrandaṃ kuryāt, sarve te parimucyeraṃstasmādrākṣasīdvīpāt| anena khalu punaḥ kulaputra kāraṇena avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo 'valokiteśvara iti saṃjñāyate||

▍黄宝生 译 


▍鸠摩罗什 译 


▍H.Kern 译 

So he asked, and the Lord answered to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati: All the hundred thousands of myriads of kolis of creatures, young man of good family, who in this world are suffering troubles will, if they hear the name of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, be released from that mass of troubles. Those who shall keep the name of this Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, young man of good family, will, if they fall into a great mass of fire, be delivered therefrom by virtue of the lustre of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva. In case, young man of good family, creatures, carried off by the current of rivers, should implore the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, all rivers will afford them a ford. In case,young man of good family, many hundred thousand myriads of kotis of creatures, sailing in a ship on the ocean, should see their bullion, gold, gems, pearls, lapis lazuli, conch shells, stones (?), corals, emeralds, Musâragalvas, read pearls (?), and other goods lost, and the ship by a vehement, untimely gale cast on the island of Giantesses, and if in that ship a single being implores Avalokitesvara, all will be saved from that island of Giantesses. For that reason, young man of good family, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara is named Avalokitesvara.


सचेत्कुलपुत्र कश्चिदेव वध्योत्सृष्टोऽवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्याक्रन्दं कुर्यात्, तानि तेषां वध्यघातकानां शस्त्राणि विकीर्येरन्। सचेत्खलु पुनः कुलपुत्र अयं त्रिसाहस्रमहासाहस्रो लोकधातुर्यक्षराक्षसैः परिपूर्णो भवेत्, तेऽवलोकितेश्वरस्य महासत्त्वस्य नामधेयग्रहणेन दुष्टचित्ता द्रष्टुमप्यशक्ताः स्युः। सचेत्खलु पुनः कुलपुत्र कश्चिदेव सत्त्वो दार्वायस्मयैर्हडिनिगडबन्धनैर्बद्धो भवेत्, अपराध्यनपराधी वा, तस्यावलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नामधेयग्रहणेन क्षिप्रं तानि हडिनिगडबन्धनानि विवरमनुप्रयच्छन्ति। ईदृशः कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य प्रभावः॥ 

sacetkulaputra kaścideva vadhyotsṛṣṭo'valokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyākrandaṃ kuryāt, tāni teṣāṃ vadhyaghātakānāṃ śastrāṇi vikīryeran| sacetkhalu punaḥ kulaputra ayaṃ trisāhasramahāsāhasro lokadhāturyakṣarākṣasaiḥ paripūrṇo bhavet, te'valokiteśvarasya mahāsattvasya nāmadheyagrahaṇena duṣṭacittā draṣṭumapyaśaktāḥ syuḥ| sacetkhalu punaḥ kulaputra kaścideva sattvo dārvāyasmayairhaḍinigaḍabandhanairbaddho bhavet, aparādhyanaparādhī vā, tasyāvalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya nāmadheyagrahaṇena kṣipraṃ tāni haḍinigaḍabandhanāni vivaramanuprayacchanti| īdṛśaḥ kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya prabhāvaḥ|| 

▍黄宝生 译 


▍鸠摩罗什 译 


▍H.Kern 译 

If a man given up to capital punishment implores Avalokitesvara, young man of good family, the swords of the executioners shall snap asunder. Further, young man of good family, if the whole triple chiliocosm were teeming with goblins and giants, they would by virtue of the name of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara being pronounced lose the faculty of sight in their wicked designs. If some creature, young man of good family, shall be bound in wooden or iron manacles, chains or fetters, be he guilty or innocent, then those manacles, chains or fetters shall give way as soon as the name of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara is pronounced. Such, young man of good family, is the power of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara.


सचेत्कुलपुत्र अयं त्रिसाहस्रमहासाहस्रो लोकधातुर्धूर्तैरमित्रैश्चौरैश्च शस्त्रपाणिभिः परिपूर्णो भवेत्, तस्मिंश्चैकः सार्थवाहो महान्तं सार्थं रत्नाढ्यमनर्ध्यं गृहीत्वा गच्छेत्। ते गच्छन्तस्तांश्चौरान्धूर्तान् शत्रूंश्च शस्त्रहस्तान्पश्येयुः। दृष्ट्वा च पुनर्भीतास्त्रस्ता अशरणमात्मानं संजानीयुः। स च सार्थवाहस्तं सार्थमेवं ब्रूयात्-- मा भैष्ट कुलपुत्राः, मा भैष्ट, अभयंददमवलोकितेश्वरं बोधिसत्त्वं महासत्त्वमेकस्वरेण सर्वे समाक्रन्दध्वम्। ततो यूयमस्माच्चौरभयादमित्रभयात्क्षिप्रमेव परिमोक्ष्यध्वे। अथ खलु सर्व एव स सार्थः एकस्वरेण अवलोकितेश्वरमाक्रन्देत्-- नमो नमस्तस्मै अभयंददायावलोकितेश्वराय बोधिसत्त्वाय महासत्त्वायेति। सहनामग्रहणेनैव स सार्थः सर्वभयेभ्यः परिमुक्तो भवेत्। ईदृशः कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य प्रभावः॥ 

sacetkulaputra ayaṃ trisāhasramahāsāhasro lokadhāturdhūrtairamitraiścauraiśca śastrapāṇibhiḥ paripūrṇo bhavet, tasmiṃścaikaḥ sārthavāho mahāntaṃ sārthaṃ ratnāḍhyamanardhyaṃ gṛhītvā gacchet| te gacchantastāṃścaurāndhūrtān śatrūṃśca śastrahastānpaśyeyuḥ| dṛṣṭvā ca punarbhītāstrastā aśaraṇamātmānaṃ saṃjānīyuḥ| sa ca sārthavāhastaṃ sārthamevaṃ brūyāt-- mā bhaiṣṭa kulaputrāḥ, mā bhaiṣṭa, abhayaṃdadamavalokiteśvaraṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvamekasvareṇa sarve samākrandadhvam| tato yūyamasmāccaurabhayādamitrabhayātkṣiprameva parimokṣyadhve| atha khalu sarva eva sa sārthaḥ ekasvareṇa avalokiteśvaramākrandet-- namo namastasmai abhayaṃdadāyāvalokiteśvarāya bodhisattvāya mahāsattvāyeti| sahanāmagrahaṇenaiva sa sārthaḥ sarvabhayebhyaḥ parimukto bhavet| īdṛśaḥ kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya prabhāvaḥ|| 

▍黄宝生 译 “善男子啊,如果这三千大千世界布满歹徒恶贼,手持刀杖,有一位商主带着装载大量无价珍宝的商队前进,途中遇见手持刀杖的盗匪。看到后,众人惊恐不安,感到无处藏身。于是,商主对商队说:‘别害怕,诸位善男子啊,别害怕。你们同声呼喊赐予无畏的观自在菩萨大士吧!这样,你们就能迅速摆脱对盗匪的恐惧。’善男子啊,观自在菩萨大士有这样的威力。”

▍鸠摩罗什 译 


▍H.Kern 译 

If this whole triple chiliocosm, young man of good family, were teeming with knaves, enemies, and robbers armed with swords, and if a merchant leader of a caravan marched with a caravan rich in jewels; if then they perceived those robbers, knaves, and enemies armed with swords, and in their anxiety and fright thought themselves helpless; if, further, that leading merchant spoke to the caravan in this strain: Be not afraid, young gentlemen, be not frightened; invoke, all of you, with one voice the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, the giver of safety; then you shall be delivered from this danger by which you are threatened at the hands of robbers and enemies; if then the whole caravan with one voice invoked Avalokitesvara with the words: Adoration, adoration be tothe giver of safety, to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Mahâsattva! then, by the mere act of pronouncing that name, the caravan would be released from all danger. Such, young man of good family, is the power of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara. 


ये कुलपुत्र रागचरिताः सत्त्वाः, तेऽवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नमस्कारं कृत्वा विगतरागा भवन्ति। ये द्वेषचरिताः सत्त्वाः, तेऽवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नमस्कारं कृत्वा विगतद्वेषा भवन्ति। ये मोहचरिताः सत्त्वाः, तेऽवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नमस्कारं कृत्वा विगतमोहा भवन्ति। एवं महर्द्धिकः कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः॥ 

ye kulaputra rāgacaritāḥ sattvāḥ, te'valokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya namaskāraṃ kṛtvā vigatarāgā bhavanti| ye dveṣacaritāḥ sattvāḥ, te'valokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya namaskāraṃ kṛtvā vigatadveṣā bhavanti| ye mohacaritāḥ sattvāḥ, te'valokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya namaskāraṃ kṛtvā vigatamohā bhavanti| evaṃ maharddhikaḥ kulaputra avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ|| 

▍黄宝生 译 


▍鸠摩罗什 译 


▍H.Kern 译 

In case creatures act under the impulse of impure passion, young man of good family, they will, after adoring the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, be freed from passion. Those who act under the impulse of hatred will, after adoring the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, be freed from hatred. Those who act under the impulse of infatuation will, after adoring the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, be freed from infatuation. So mighty, young man of good family, is the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara.


यश्च कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य पुत्रकामो मातृग्रामो नमस्कारं करोति, तस्य पुत्रः प्रजायते अभिरूपः प्रासादिको दर्शनीयः। पुत्रलक्षणसमन्वागतो बहुजनप्रियो मनापोऽवरोपितकुशलमूलश्च भवति। यो दारिकामभिनन्दति, तस्य दारिका प्रजायते अभिरूपा प्रासादिका दर्शनीया परमया शुभवर्णपुष्करतया समन्वागता दारिका-- लक्षणसमन्वागता बहुजनप्रिया मनापा अवरोपितकुशलभूला च भवति। ईदृशः कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य प्रभावः॥

yaśca kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya putrakāmo mātṛgrāmo namaskāraṃ karoti, tasya putraḥ prajāyate abhirūpaḥ prāsādiko darśanīyaḥ| putralakṣaṇasamanvāgato bahujanapriyo manāpo'varopitakuśalamūlaśca bhavati| yo dārikāmabhinandati, tasya dārikā prajāyate abhirūpā prāsādikā darśanīyā paramayā śubhavarṇapuṣkaratayā samanvāgatā dārikā-- lakṣaṇasamanvāgatā bahujanapriyā manāpā avaropitakuśalabhūlā ca bhavati| īdṛśaḥ kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya prabhāvaḥ|| 


▍黄宝生 译 


▍鸠摩罗什 译 


▍H.Kern 译 

If a woman, desirous of male offspring, young man of good family, adores the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, she shall get a son, nice, handsome, and beautiful; one possessed of the characteristics of a male child, generally beloved and winning, who has planted good roots. If a woman is desirous of getting a daughter, a nice, handsome, beautiful girl shall be born to her; one possessed of the (good) characteristics of a girl, generally beloved and winning, who has planted good roots. Such, young man of good family, is the power of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara.


ये च कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नमस्कारं करिष्यन्ति, नामधेयं च धारयिष्यन्ति, तेषाममोघफलं भवति। यश्च कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नमस्कारं करिष्यति, नामधेयं च धारयिष्यति, यश्च द्वाषष्टीनां गङ्गानदीवालिकासमानां बुद्धानां भगवतां नमस्कारं कुर्यात्, नामधेयानि च धारयेत्, यश्च तावतामेव बुद्धानां भगवतां तिष्ठतां ध्रियतां यापयतां चीवरपिण्डपातशयनासनग्लानप्रत्ययभैषज्यपरिष्कारैः पूजां कुर्यात्, तत्किं मन्यसे कुलपुत्र कियन्तं स कुलपुत्रो वा कुलदुहिता वा ततोनिदानं पुण्याभिसंस्कारं प्रसवेत्? 

ye ca kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya namaskāraṃ kariṣyanti, nāmadheyaṃ ca dhārayiṣyanti, teṣāmamoghaphalaṃ bhavati| yaśca kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya namaskāraṃ kariṣyati, nāmadheyaṃ ca dhārayiṣyati, yaśca dvāṣaṣṭīnāṃ gaṅgānadīvālikāsamānāṃ buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ namaskāraṃ kuryāt, nāmadheyāni ca dhārayet, yaśca tāvatāmeva buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ tiṣṭhatāṃ dhriyatāṃ yāpayatāṃ cīvarapiṇḍapātaśayanāsanaglānapratyayabhaiṣajyapariṣkāraiḥ pūjāṃ kuryāt, tatkiṃ manyase kulaputra kiyantaṃ sa kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā tatonidānaṃ puṇyābhisaṃskāraṃ prasavet?

▍黄宝生 译 


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▍H.Kern 译 

Those who adore the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara will derive from it an unfailing profit. Suppose, young man of good family, (on one hand) some one adoring the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara and cherishing his name; (on the other hand) another adoring a number of Lords Buddhas equal to sixty-two times the sands of the river Ganges, cherishing their names and worshipping so many Lords Buddhas during their stay, existence, and life, by giving robes, alms-bowls, couches, medicaments for the sick; how great is then in thine opinion, young man of good family, the accumulation of pious merit which that young gentleman or young lady will produce in consequence of it? 


एवमुक्ते अक्षयमतिर्बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-- बहु भगवन्, बहु सुगत स कुलपुत्रो वा कुलदुहिता वा ततोनिदानं बहुं पुण्याभिसंस्कारं प्रसवेत्। भगवानाह-- यश्च कुलपुत्र तावतां बुद्धानां भगवतां सत्कारं कृत्वा पुण्याभिसंस्कारः, यश्च अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य अन्तश एकमपि नमस्कारं कुर्यात्नामधेयं च धारयेत्, समोऽनधिकोऽनतिरेकः पुण्याभिसंस्कारः उभयतो भवेत्। यश्च तेषां द्वाषष्टीनां गङ्गानदीवालिकासमानां बुद्धानां भगवतां सत्कारं कुर्यात्नामधेयानि च धारयेत्, यश्च अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नमस्कारं कुर्यात्नामधेयं च धारयेत्, एतावुभौ पुण्यस्कन्धौ न सुकरौ क्षपयितुं कल्पकोटीनयुतशतसहस्रैरपि। एवमप्रमेयं कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य नामधारणात्पुण्यम्॥

evamukte akṣayamatirbodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantametadavocat-- bahu bhagavan, bahu sugata sa kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā tatonidānaṃ bahuṃ puṇyābhisaṃskāraṃ prasavet| bhagavānāha-- yaśca kulaputra tāvatāṃ buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ satkāraṃ kṛtvā puṇyābhisaṃskāraḥ, yaśca avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya antaśa ekamapi namaskāraṃ kuryātnāmadheyaṃ ca dhārayet, samo'nadhiko'natirekaḥ puṇyābhisaṃskāraḥ ubhayato bhavet| yaśca teṣāṃ dvāṣaṣṭīnāṃ gaṅgānadīvālikāsamānāṃ buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ satkāraṃ kuryāt nāmadheyāni ca dhārayet, yaśca avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya namaskāraṃ kuryātnāmadheyaṃ ca dhārayet, etāvubhau puṇyaskandhau na sukarau kṣapayituṃ kalpakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrairapi| evamaprameyaṃ kulaputra avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya nāmadhāraṇātpuṇyam|| 

▍黄宝生 译 


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▍H.Kern 译 

So asked, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati said to the Lord: Great, O Lord, great, O Sugata, is the pious merit which that young gentleman or young lady will produce in consequence of it. The Lord proceeded: Now, young man of good family, the accumulation of pious merit produced by that young gentleman paying homage to so many Lords Buddhas, and the accumulation of pious merit produced by him who performs were it but a single act of adoration to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara and cherishes his name, are equal. He who adores a number of Lords Buddhas equal to sixty-two times the sands of the river Ganges and cherishes their names, and he who adores the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara and cherishes his name, have an equal accumulation of pious merit; both masses of pious merit are not easy to be destroyed even in hundred thousands of myriads of kotis of Æons. So immense, young man of good family, is the pious merit resulting from cherishing the name of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara.



अथ खल्वक्षयमतिर्बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-- कथं भगवनवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वोऽस्यां सहायां लोकधातौ प्रविचरति? कथं सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति? कीदृशश्चावलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्योपायकौशल्यविषयः?

atha khalvakṣayamatirbodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantametadavocat-- kathaṃ bhagavanavalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo'syāṃ sahāyāṃ lokadhātau pravicarati? kathaṃ sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati? kīdṛśaścāvalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyopāyakauśalyaviṣayaḥ?

▍黄宝生 译 


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▍H.Kern 译 

Again the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati said to the Lord: How, O Lord, is it that the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara frequents this Saha-world? And how does he preach the law? Andwhich is the range of the skilfulness of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara? 


एवमुक्ते भगवानक्षयमतिं बोधिसत्त्वं महासत्त्वमेतदवोचत्-- सन्ति कुलपुत्र लोकधातवः येष्ववलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो बुद्धरूपेण सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति। सन्ति लोकधातवः, येष्ववलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो बोधिसत्त्वरूपेण सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति। केषांचित् प्रत्येकबुद्धरूपेण अवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति। केषांचिच्छ्रावकरूपेण अवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति। केषांचिद् ब्रह्मरूपेणावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति। केषांचिच्छक्ररूपेणावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः धर्मं देशयति। केषांचिद् गन्धर्वरूपेणावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति। केषांचिद् गन्धर्वरूपेणावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः सत्त्वानां धर्मं देशयति। यक्षवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां यक्षरूपेण धर्मं देशयति। ईश्वरवैनेयानां सत्त्वानामीश्वररूपेण, महेश्वरवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां महेश्वररूपेण धर्मं देशयति। चक्रवर्तिराजवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां चक्रवर्तिराजरूपेण धर्मं देशयति। पिशाचवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां पिशाचरूपेण धर्मं देशयति। वैश्रवणवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां वैश्रवणरूपेण धर्मं देशयति।

सेनापतिवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां सेनापतिरूपेण धर्मं देशयति। ब्राह्मणवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां ब्राह्मणरूपेण धर्मं देशयति। वज्रपाणिवैनेयानां सत्त्वानां वज्रपाणिरूपेण धर्मं देशयति। एवमचिन्त्यगुणसमन्वागतः कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः। तस्मात्तर्हि कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरं बोधिसत्त्वं महासत्त्वं पूजयध्वम्। एष कुलपुत्र अवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो भीतानां सत्त्वानामभयं ददाति। अनेन कारणेन अभयंदद इति संज्ञायते इह सहायां लोकधातौ॥

evamukte bhagavānakṣayamatiṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvametadavocat-- santi kulaputra lokadhātavaḥ yeṣvavalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo buddharūpeṇa sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati| santi lokadhātavaḥ, yeṣvavalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bodhisattvarūpeṇa sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati| keṣāṃcit pratyekabuddharūpeṇa avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati| keṣāṃcicchrāvakarūpeṇa avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati| keṣāṃcid brahmarūpeṇāvalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati| keṣāṃcicchakrarūpeṇāvalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ dharmaṃ deśayati| keṣāṃcid gandharvarūpeṇāvalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati| keṣāṃcid gandharvarūpeṇāvalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati| yakṣavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ yakṣarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| īśvaravaineyānāṃ sattvānāmīśvararūpeṇa, maheśvaravaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ maheśvararūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| cakravartirājavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ cakravartirājarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| piśācavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ piśācarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| vaiśravaṇavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ vaiśravaṇarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| 
senāpativaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ senāpatirūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| brāhmaṇavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ brāhmaṇarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| vajrapāṇivaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ vajrapāṇirūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati| evamacintyaguṇasamanvāgataḥ kulaputra avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ| tasmāttarhi kulaputra avalokiteśvaraṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvaṃ pūjayadhvam| eṣa kulaputra avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhītānāṃ sattvānāmabhayaṃ dadāti| anena kāraṇena abhayaṃdada iti saṃjñāyate iha sahāyāṃ lokadhātau|| 

▍黄宝生 译 


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▍H.Kern 译 

So asked, the Lord replied to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati: In some worlds, young man of good family, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara preaches the law to creatures in the shape of a Buddha; in others he does so in the shape of a Bodhisattva. To some beings he shows the law in the shape of a Pratyekabuddha; to others he does so in the shape of a disciple; to others again under that of Brahma, Indra, or a Gandharva. To those who are to be converted by a goblin, he preaches the law assuming the shape of a goblin; to those who are to be converted by Isvara, he preaches the law in the shape of isvara; to those who are to be converted by Mahesvara, he preaches assuming the shape of Mahesvara. To those who are to be converted by a Kakravartin [This term is ambiguous; it means both ‘the mover of the wheel’, i.e. Vishnu, and ‘an emperor’], he shows the law after assuming the shape of a Kakravartin; to those who are to be converted by an imp, he shows the law under the shape of an imp; to those who are to be converted by Kubera, he shows the law by appearing in the shape of Kubera; to those who are to be converted by Senâpati [Ambiguous; the word denotes both ‘the commander-in-chief of the army of the gods, Skanda,’ and ‘a commander-in-chief in general’], he preaches in the shape of Senapati ; to those who are to be converted by assuming a Brâhman [the Brâhman may be Brihaspati] , he preaches in the shape of a Brâhman; to those who are to be converted by Vagrapâni [Vagrapâni is the name of one of the Dhyânibuddhas, and of certain geniuses, and an ephitet of Indra] , he preaches in the shape of Vagrapâni [The function of Avalokitesvara, as it appears from these passages, agree with those of Gadgadasvara mentioned in the foregoing chapter]. With such inconceivable qualities, young man of good family, is the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara endowed. Therefore then, young man of good family, honour the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara. The Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara, young man of good family, affords safety to those who are in anxiety. On that account one calls him in this Saha-world Abhayandada (i. e. Giver of Safety).


अथ खल्वक्षयमतिर्बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-- दास्यामो वयं भगवनवलोकितेश्वराय बोधिसत्त्वाय महासत्त्वाय धर्मप्राभृतं धर्माच्छादम्। भगवानाह-- यस्यदानीं कुलपुत्र कालं मन्यसे। अथ खल्वक्षयमतिर्बोधसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः स्वकण्ठादवर्ताय शतसहस्रमूल्यं मुक्ताहारमवलोकितेश्वराय बोधिसत्त्वाय महासत्त्वाय धर्माच्छादमनुप्रयच्छति स्म-- प्रतीच्छ सत्पुरुष इमं धर्माच्छादं ममान्तिकात्। स न प्रतीच्छति स्म। अथ खल्वक्षयमतिर्बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वोऽवलोकितेश्वरं बोधिसत्त्वं महासत्त्वमेतदवोचत्-- प्रतिगृहाण त्वं कुलपुत्र इमं मुक्ताहारमस्माकमनुकम्पामुपादाय। अथ खल्ववलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वोऽक्षयमतेर्बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्यान्तिकात्तं मुक्ताहारं प्रतिगृह्णाति स्म अक्षयमतेर्बोधिसत्त्वस्य महसत्त्वस्यानुकम्पामुपादाय, तासां च चतसृणां पर्षदां तेषां च देवनागयक्षगन्धर्वासुरगरूडकिन्नरमहोरगमनुष्यामनुष्याणामनुकम्पामुपादाय। प्रतिगृह्य च द्वौ प्रत्यंशौ कृतवान्। कृत्वा चैकं प्रत्यंशं भगवते शाक्यमुनये ददाति स्म, द्वितीयं प्रत्यंशं भगवतः प्रभूतरत्नस्य तथागतस्यार्हतः सम्यक्संबुद्धस्य रत्नस्तूपे समुपनामयायास। ईदृश्या कुलपुत्र विकुर्वया अवलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वोऽस्यां सहायां लोकधातावनुविचरति॥   
atha khalvakṣayamatirbodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantametadavocat-- dāsyāmo vayaṃ bhagavanavalokiteśvarāya bodhisattvāya mahāsattvāya dharmaprābhṛtaṃ dharmācchādam| bhagavānāha-- yasyadānīṃ kulaputra kālaṃ manyase| atha khalvakṣayamatirbodhasattvo mahāsattvaḥ svakaṇṭhādavartāya śatasahasramūlyaṃ muktāhāramavalokiteśvarāya bodhisattvāya mahāsattvāya dharmācchādamanuprayacchati sma-- pratīccha satpuruṣa imaṃ dharmācchādaṃ mamāntikāt| sa na pratīcchati sma| atha khalvakṣayamatirbodhisattvo mahāsattvo'valokiteśvaraṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvametadavocat-- pratigṛhāṇa tvaṃ kulaputra imaṃ muktāhāramasmākamanukampāmupādāya| atha khalvavalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo'kṣayamaterbodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyāntikāttaṃ muktāhāraṃ pratigṛhṇāti sma akṣayamaterbodhisattvasya mahasattvasyānukampāmupādāya, tāsāṃ ca catasṛṇāṃ parṣadāṃ teṣāṃ ca devanāgayakṣagandharvāsuragarūḍakinnaramahoragamanuṣyāmanuṣyāṇāmanukampāmupādāya| pratigṛhya ca dvau pratyaṃśau kṛtavān| kṛtvā caikaṃ pratyaṃśaṃ bhagavate śākyamunaye dadāti sma, dvitīyaṃ pratyaṃśaṃ bhagavataḥ prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya ratnastūpe samupanāmayāyāsa| īdṛśyā kulaputra vikurvayā avalokiteśvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo'syāṃ sahāyāṃ lokadhātāvanuvicarati||

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▍H.Kern 译 

Further, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati said to the Lord: Shall we give a gift of piety, a decoration of piety, O Lord, to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara? The Lord replied: Do so, if thou thinkest it opportune. Then the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati took from his neck a pearl necklace, worth a hundred thousand (gold pieces), and presented it to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara as a decoration of piety, with the words: Receive from me this decoration of piety, good man. But he would not accept it. Then the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati said to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara: Out of compassion to us, young man of good family, accept this pearl necklace. Then the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara accepted the pearl necklace from the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati, out of compassion to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Akshayamati and the four classes, and out of compassion to the gods, Nâgas, goblins, Gandharvas demons, Garudas, Kinnaras, great serpents, men: and beings not human. Thereafter he divided (the necklace) into two parts, and offered one part to the Lord Sakyamuni, and the other to the jewel Stûpa of the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathagata, &c., who had become completely extinct.With such a faculty of transformation, young man of good family, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara is moving in this Saha-world.


अथ खलु भगवांस्तस्यां वेलायामिमा गाथा अभाषत--

atha khalu bhagavāṃstasyāṃ velāyāmimā gāthā abhāṣata--


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And on that occasion the Lord uttered the following stanzas:


चित्रध्वज अक्षयोमती एतमर्थं परिपृच्छि कारणात् ।

केना जिनपुत्र हेतुना उच्यते हि अवलोकितेश्वरः ॥१॥

citradhvaja akṣayomatī etamarthaṃ paripṛcchi kāraṇāt|

kenā jinaputra hetunā ucyate hi avalokiteśvaraḥ||1||

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1. Kitradhvaga asked Akshayamati the following question: For what reason, son of Gina, is Avalokitesvara (so) called?


अथ स दिशता विलोकिया प्रणिधीसागरु अक्षयोमति । 

चित्रध्वजोऽध्यभाषत शृणु चर्यामवलोकितेश्वरे ॥२॥

atha sa diśatā vilokiyā praṇidhīsāgaru akṣayomati| 

citradhvajo'dhyabhāṣata śṛṇu caryāmavalokiteśvare||2||

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▍H.Kern 译 

2. And Akshayamati, that ocean of profound insight, after considering how the matter stood, spoke to Kitradhvaga: Listen to the conduct of Avalokitesvara.


कल्पशत नेककोट्यचिन्तिया बहुबुद्धान सहस्रकोटिभिः । 

प्रणिधान यथा विशोधितं स्तथ शृण्वाहि मम प्रदेशतः ॥३॥

kalpaśata nekakoṭyacintiyā bahubuddhāna sahasrakoṭibhiḥ| 

praṇidhāna yathā viśodhitaṃ statha śṛṇvāhi mama pradeśataḥ||3||

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3. Hear from my indication how for numerous, inconceivable Æons he has accomplished his vote under many thousand kotis of Buddhas.


श्रवणो अथ दर्शनोऽपि च अनुपूर्वं च तथा अनुस्मृतिः। 

भवतीह अमोघ प्राणिनां सर्वदुःखभवशोकनाशकः॥४॥

śravaṇo atha darśano'pi ca anupūrvaṃ ca tathā anusmṛtiḥ| 

bhavatīha amogha prāṇināṃ sarvaduḥkhabhavaśokanāśakaḥ||4||

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▍H.Kern 译 

4. Hearing, seeing, regularly and constantly thinking will infallibly destroy all suffering, (mundane) existence, and grief of living beings here on earth.


सचि अग्निखदाय पातयेद्घतनार्थाय प्रदुष्टमानसः।

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं अभिसिक्तो इव अग्नि शाम्यति॥५॥

saci agnikhadāya pātayed ghatanārthāya praduṣṭamānasaḥ|

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ abhisikto iva agni śāmyati||5||

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▍H.Kern 译 

5. If one be thrown into a pit of fire, by a wicked enemy with the object of killing him, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and the fire shall be quenched as if sprinkled with water.


सचि सागरदुर्गि पातयेन्नागमकरसुरभूत आलये । 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं जलराजे न कदाचिसीदति॥६॥

saci sāgaradurgi pātayennāgamakarasurabhūta ālaye| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ jalarāje na kadācisīdati||6||

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▍H.Kern 译 

6. If one happens to fall into the dreadful ocean, the abode of Nagas, marine monsters, and demons, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and he shall never sink down in the king of waters.


सचि मेरुतलातु पातयेद्घतनार्थाय प्रदुष्टमानसः। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं सूर्यभूतो व नभे प्रतिष्ठति ॥७॥

saci merutalātu pātayedghatanārthāya praduṣṭamānasaḥ| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ sūryabhūto va nabhe pratiṣṭhati||7||

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▍H.Kern 译 

7. If a man happens to be hurled down from the brink of the Meru, by some wicked person with the object of killing him, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and he shall, sunlike, stand firm in the sky.


वज्रामय पर्वतो यदि घतनार्थाय हि मूर्ध्नि ओषरेत्। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं रोमकूप न प्रभोन्ति हिंसितुम्॥८॥

vajrāmaya parvato yadi ghatanārthāya hi mūrdhni oṣaret| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ romakūpa na prabhonti hiṃsitum||8||

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▍H.Kern 译 

8. If rocks of thunderstone and thunderbolts are thrown at a man’s head to kill him, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and they shall not be able to hurt one hair of the body.


सचि शत्रुगणैः परीवृतः शस्त्रहस्तैर्विहिंसचेतसैः। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं मैत्रचित्त तद भोन्ति तत्क्षणम् ॥९॥

saci śatrugaṇaiḥ parīvṛtaḥ śastrahastairvihiṃsacetasaiḥ| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ maitracitta tada bhonti tatkṣaṇam||9||

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▍H.Kern 译 

9. If a man be surrounded by a host of enemies armed with swords, who have the intention of killing him, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and they shall instantaneously become kind-hearted.



सचि आघतने उपस्थितो वध्यघातनवशंगतो भवेत्। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं खण्डखण्ड तद शस्त्र गच्छियुः॥१०॥

saci āghatane upasthito vadhyaghātanavaśaṃgato bhavet| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ khaṇḍakhaṇḍa tada śastra gacchiyuḥ||10||

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▍H.Kern 译 

10. If a man, delivered to the power of the executioners, is already standing at the place of execution, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and their swords shall go to pieces.



सचि दारुमयैरयोमयैर्हडिनिगडैरिह बद्धबन्धनैः।

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं क्षिप्रमेव विपटन्ति बन्धना ॥११॥

saci dārumayairayomayairhaḍinigaḍairiha baddhabandhanaiḥ|

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ kṣiprameva vipaṭanti bandhanā||11||

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▍H.Kern 译 

11. If a person happens to be fettered in shackles of wood or iron, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and the bonds shall be speedily loosened.


मन्त्रा बल विद्य ओषधी भूत वेताल शरीरनाशका। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं तान् गन्ति यतः प्रवर्तिताः॥१२॥

mantrā bala vidya oṣadhī bhūta vetāla śarīranāśakā| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ tān ganti yataḥ pravartitāḥ||12||

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▍H.Kern 译 

12. Mighty spells, witchcraft, herbs, ghosts, and spectres, pernicious to life, revert thither whence they come, when one thinks of Avalokitesvara.



सचि ओजहरैः परीवृतो नागयक्षसुरभूतराक्षसैः। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं रोमकूप न प्रभोन्ति हिंसितुम्॥१३॥

saci ojaharaiḥ parīvṛto nāgayakṣasurabhūtarākṣasaiḥ| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ romakūpa na prabhonti hiṃsitum||13||

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▍H.Kern 译 

13. If a man is surrounded by goblins, Nâgas, demons, ghosts, or giants, who are in the habit of taking away bodily vigour, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and they shall not be able to hurt one hair of his body.



सचि व्यालमृगैः परीवृतस्तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रनखरैर्महाभयैः। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं क्षिप्र गच्छन्ति दिशा अनन्ततः॥१४॥

saci vyālamṛgaiḥ parīvṛtastīkṣṇadaṃṣṭranakharairmahābhayaiḥ| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ kṣipra gacchanti diśā anantataḥ||14||

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▍H.Kern 译 

14. If a man is surrounded by fearful beasts with .sharp teeth and claws, he has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and they shall quickly fly in all directions.


सचि दृष्टिविषैः परीवृतो ज्वलनार्चिशिखिदुष्टदारुणैः। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं क्षिप्रमेव ते भोन्ति निर्विषाः॥१५॥

saci dṛṣṭiviṣaiḥ parīvṛto jvalanārciśikhiduṣṭadāruṇaiḥ| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ kṣiprameva te bhonti nirviṣāḥ||15||

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▍H.Kern 译 

15. If a man is surrounded by snakes malicious and frightful on account of the flames and fires (they emit), be has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and they shall quickly lose their poison.



गम्भीर सविद्यु निश्चरी मेघवज्राशनि वारिप्रस्रवाः।

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं क्षिप्रमेव प्रशमन्ति तत्क्षणम्॥१६॥

gambhīra savidyu niścarī meghavajrāśani vāriprasravāḥ|

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ kṣiprameva praśamanti tatkṣaṇam||16||

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▍H.Kern 译 

16. If a heavy thunderbolt shoots from a cloud pregnant with lightning and thunder, one has but to think of Avalokitesvara, and the fire of heaven shall quickly, instantaneously be quenched.



बहुदुःखशतैरुपद्रुतान्सत्त्व दृष्ट्व बहुदुःखपीडितान्। 

शुभज्ञानबलो विलोकिया तेन त्रातरु गजे सदेवके॥१७॥

bahuduḥkhaśatairupadrutān sattva dṛṣṭva bahuduḥkhapīḍitān| 

śubhajñānabalo vilokiyā tena trātaru gaje sadevake||17||

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▍H.Kern 译 

17. He (Avalokitesvara) with his powerful knowledge beholds all creatures who are beset with many hundreds of troubles and afflicted by many sorrows, and thereby is a saviour in the world, including the gods.




ऋद्धीबलपारमिंगतो विपुलज्ञान उपायशिक्षितः। 

सर्वत्र दशद्दिशी जगे सर्वक्षेत्रेषु अशेष दृश्यते ॥१८॥

ṛddhībalapāramiṃgato vipulajñāna upāyaśikṣitaḥ| 

sarvatra daśaddiśī jage sarvakṣetreṣu aśeṣa dṛśyate||18||

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【英译】18. As he is thoroughly practised in the power of magic, and possessed of vast knowledge and skilfulness, he shows himself’ in all directions and in all regions of the world.



ये च अक्षणदुर्गती भया नरकतिर्यग्यमस्य शासने। 

जातीजरव्याधिपीडिता अनुपूर्वं प्रशमन्ति प्राणिनाम् ॥१९॥

ye ca akṣaṇadurgatī bhayā narakatiryagyamasya śāsane| 

jātījaravyādhipīḍitā anupūrvaṃ praśamanti prāṇinām||19||

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▍H.Kern 译 

19. Birth, decrepitude, and disease will come to an end for those who are in the wretched states of existence, in hell, in brute creation, in the kingdom of Yama, for all beings (in general).



अथ खलु अक्षमतिर्हृष्टतुष्टमना इमा गाथा अभाषत--

atha khalu akṣamatirhṛṣṭatuṣṭamanā imā gāthā abhāṣata--

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▍H.Kern 译 

[Then Akshayamati in the joy of his heart uttered the following stanzas:]



शुभलोचन मैत्रलोचना प्रज्ञाज्ञानविशिष्टलोचना। 

कृपलोचन शुद्धलोचना प्रेमणीय सुमुखा सुलोचना॥२०॥

śubhalocana maitralocanā prajñājñānaviśiṣṭalocanā| 

kṛpalocana śuddhalocanā premaṇīya sumukhā sulocanā||20||

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▍H.Kern 译 

20. O thou whose eyes are clear, whose eyes are kind, distinguished by wisdom and knowledge, whose eyes are full of pity and benevolence; thou so lovely by thy beautiful face and beautiful eyes!



अमलामलनिर्मलप्रभा वितिमिर ज्ञानदिवाकरप्रभा। 

अपहृतानिलज्वलप्रभा प्रतपन्तो जगती विरोचसे॥२१॥

amalāmalanirmalaprabhā vitimira jñānadivākaraprabhā| 

apahṛtānilajvalaprabhā pratapanto jagatī virocase||21||

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▍H.Kern 译 

21. Pure one, whose shine is spotless bright, whose knowledge is free from darkness, thou shining as the sun, not to be beaten away, radiant as the blaze of fire, thou spreadest in thy flying course thy lustre in the world.



कृपसद्गुणमैत्रगर्जिता शुभगुण मैत्रमना महाघना। 

क्लेशाग्नि शमेसि प्राणिनां धर्मवर्षं अमृतं प्रवर्षसि॥२२॥

kṛpasadguṇamaitragarjitā śubhaguṇa maitramanā mahāghanā| 

kleśāgni śamesi prāṇināṃ dharmavarṣaṃ amṛtaṃ pravarṣasi||22||

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▍H.Kern 译 

22. O thou who rejoicest in kindness having its source in compassion, thou great cloud of good qualities and of benevolent mind, thou quenchest the fire that vexes living beings, thou pourest out nectar, the rain of the law.



कलहे च विवादविग्रहे नरसंग्रामगते महाभये। 

स्मरतो अवलोकितेश्वरं प्रशमेया अरिसंघ पापका॥२३॥

kalahe ca vivādavigrahe narasaṃgrāmagate mahābhaye| 

smarato avalokiteśvaraṃ praśameyā arisaṃgha pāpakā||23||

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▍H.Kern 译 

23. In quarrel, dispute, war, battle, in any great danger one has to think of Avalokitesvara, who shall quell the wicked troop of foes.



मेघस्वर दुन्दुभिस्वरो जलधरगर्जित ब्रह्मसुस्वरः। 

स्वरमण्डलपारमिंगतः स्मरणीयो अवलोकितेश्वरः॥२४॥

meghasvara dundubhisvaro jaladharagarjita brahmasusvaraḥ| 

svaramaṇḍalapāramiṃgataḥ smaraṇīyo avalokiteśvaraḥ||24||

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▍H.Kern 译 

24. One should think of Avalokitesvara, whose sound is as the cloud’s and the drum’s, who thunders like a rain-cloud, possesses a good voice like Brahma, (a voice) going through the whole gamut of tones.



स्मरथा स्मरथा स काङ्क्षथा शुद्धसत्त्वं अवलोकितेश्वरम्। 

मरणे व्यसने उपद्रवे त्राणु भोति शरणं परायणम्॥२५॥

smarathā smarathā sa kāṅkṣathā śuddhasattvaṃ avalokiteśvaram| 

maraṇe vyasane upadrave trāṇu bhoti śaraṇaṃ parāyaṇam||25||

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▍H.Kern 译 

25. Think, O think with tranquil mood of Avalokitesvara, that pure being; he is a protector, a refuge, a recourse in death, disaster, and calamity.


सर्वगुणस्य पारमिंगतः सर्वसत्त्वकृपमैत्रलोचनो। 

गुणभूत महागुणोदधी वन्दनीयो अवलोकितेश्वरः॥२६॥

sarvaguṇasya pāramiṃgataḥ sarvasattvakṛpamaitralocano| 

guṇabhūta mahāguṇodadhī vandanīyo avalokiteśvaraḥ||26||

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▍H.Kern 译 

26. He who possesses the perfection of all virtues, and beholds all beings with compassion and benevolence, he, an ocean of virtues, Virtue itself, he, Avalokitesvara, is worthy of adoration.



योऽसौ अनुकम्पको जगे बुद्ध भेष्यति अनागतेऽध्वनि। 

सर्वदुःखभयशोकनाशकं प्रणमामी अवलोकितेश्वरम्॥२७॥

yo'sau anukampako jage buddha bheṣyati anāgate'dhvani| 

sarvaduḥkhabhayaśokanāśakaṃ praṇamāmī avalokiteśvaram||27||

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▍H.Kern 译 

27. He, so compassionate for the world, shall once become a Buddha, destroying all dangers and sorrows; I humbly bow to Avalokitesvara.



लोकेश्वर राजनायको भिक्षुधर्माकरु लोकपूजितो। 

बहुकल्पशतांश्चरित्व च प्राप्तु बोधि विरजां अनुत्तराम्॥२८॥

lokeśvara rājanāyako bhikṣudharmākaru lokapūjito| 

bahukalpaśatāṃścaritva ca prāptu bodhi virajāṃ anuttarām||28||

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▍H.Kern 译 

28. This universal Lord, chief of kings, who is a (rich) mine of monastic virtues, he, universally worshipped, has reached pure, supreme enlightenment, after plying his course (of duty) during many hundreds of Æons.


स्थित दक्षिणवामतस्तथा वीजयन्त अमिताभनायकम्। 

मायोपमता समाधिना सर्वक्षेत्रे जिन गत्व पूजिषु॥२९॥

sthita dakṣiṇavāmatastathā vījayanta amitābhanāyakam| 

māyopamatā samādhinā sarvakṣetre jina gatva pūjiṣu||29||

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▍H.Kern 译 

29. At one time standing to the right, at another to the left of the Chief Amitabha, whom he is fanning, he, by dint of meditation, like a phantom, in all regions honours the Gina.


दिशि पश्चिमतः सुखाकरा लोकधातु विरजा सुखावती।

यत्र एष अमिताभनायकः संप्रति तिष्ठति सत्त्वसारथिः॥३०॥

diśi paścimataḥ sukhākarā lokadhātu virajā sukhāvatī|

yatra eṣa amitābhanāyakaḥ saṃprati tiṣṭhati sattvasārathiḥ||30||

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▍H.Kern 译 

30. In the west, where the pure world Sukhâkara is situated, there the Chief Amitabha, the tamer of men, has his fixed abode.



न च इस्त्रिण तत्र संभवो नापि च मैथुनधर्म सर्वशः। 

उपपादुक ते जिनोरसाः पद्मगर्भेषु निषण्ण निर्मलाः॥३१॥

na ca istriṇa tatra saṃbhavo nāpi ca maithunadharma sarvaśaḥ| 

upapāduka te jinorasāḥ padmagarbheṣu niṣaṇṇa nirmalāḥ||31||

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▍H.Kern 译 

31. There no women are to be found; there sexual intercourse is absolutely unknown; there the sons of Gina, on springing into existence by apparitional birth, are sitting in the undefiled cups of lotuses.



सो चैव अमिताभनायकः पद्मगर्भे विरजे मनोरमे। 

सिंहासनि संनिषण्णको शालरजो व यथा विराजते॥३२॥

so caiva amitābhanāyakaḥ padmagarbhe viraje manorame| 

siṃhāsani saṃniṣaṇṇako śālarajo va yathā virājate||32||

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▍H.Kern 译 

32. And the Chief Amitâbha himself is seated on a throne in the pure and nice cup of a lotus, and shines as the Sâla-king.



सोऽपि तथा लोकनायको यस्य नास्ति त्रिभवेस्मि सादृशः। 

यन्मे पुण्य स्तवित्व संचितं क्षिप्र भोमि यथ त्वं नरोत्तम॥३३॥

so'pi tathā lokanāyako yasya nāsti tribhavesmi sādṛśaḥ| 

yanme puṇya stavitva saṃcitaṃ kṣipra bhomi yatha tvaṃ narottama||33||

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▍H.Kern 译 

33. The Leader of the world, whose store of merit has been praised, has no equal in the triple world. O supreme of men, let us soon become like thee!





अथ खलु धरणिंधरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्व उत्थायासनादेकांसमुत्तरासङ्गं कृत्वा दक्षिणं जानुमण्डलं पृथिव्यां प्रतिष्ठाप्य येन भगवांस्तेनाञ्जलिं प्रणाम्य भगवन्तमेतदवोचत्-- न ते भगवन्सत्त्वाः अवरकेण कुशलमूलेन समन्वागता भविष्यन्ति, येऽवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्येमं धर्मपर्यायपरिवर्तं श्रोष्यन्ति अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य महासत्त्वस्य विकुर्वानिर्देशं समन्तमुखपरिवर्तं नाम अवलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य विकुर्वणप्रातिहार्यम्॥

atha khalu dharaṇiṃdharo bodhisattvo mahāsattva utthāyāsanādekāṃsamuttarāsaṅgaṃ kṛtvā dakṣiṇaṃ jānumaṇḍalaṃ pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya yena bhagavāṃstenāñjaliṃ praṇāmya bhagavantametadavocat-- na te bhagavan sattvāḥ avarakeṇa kuśalamūlena samanvāgatā bhaviṣyanti, ye'valokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasyemaṃ dharmaparyāyaparivartaṃ śroṣyanti avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya vikurvānirdeśaṃ samantamukhaparivartaṃ nāma avalokiteśvarasya bodhisattvasya vikurvaṇaprātihāryam||

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▍H.Kern 译 

Thereupon the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Dharanindhara rose from his seat, put his upper robe upon one shoulder, fixed his right knee against the earth, stretched his joined hands towards the Lord and said: They must be possessed of not a few good roots, O Lord, who are to hear this chapter from the Dharmaparyâya about the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara and this miraculous power of transformation of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Avalokitesvara.



अस्मिन्खलु पुनः समन्तमुखपरिवर्ते भगवता निर्देश्यमाने तस्याः पर्षदश्चतुरशीतिनां प्राणिसहस्राणामसमसमायामनुत्तरायां सम्यक्संबोधौ चित्तान्युत्पन्नान्यभूवन्॥

asmin khalu punaḥ samantamukhaparivarte bhagavatā nirdeśyamāne tasyāḥ parṣadaścaturaśītināṃ prāṇisahasrāṇāmasamasamāyāmanuttarāyāṃ samyaksaṃbodhau cittānyutpannānyabhūvan||

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▍H.Kern 译 

And while this chapter of the All-sided One was being expounded by the Lord, eighty-four thousand living beings from that assembly felt their minds drawn to that supreme and perfect enlightenment, with which nothing else can be compared.



इति श्रीसद्धर्मपुण्डरीके धर्मपर्याये समन्तमुखपरिवर्तो नामावलोकितेश्वरविकुर्वणनिर्देशश्चतुर्विशतिमः॥

iti śrīsaddharmapuṇḍarīke dharmaparyāye samantamukhaparivarto nāmāvalokiteśvaravikurvaṇanirdeśaścaturviśatimaḥ||

▍黄宝生 译 


▍鸠摩罗什 译 

▍H.Kern 译 

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